Franz Kraler Junior in Cortina

From Franz Kraler junior in Cortina comes the luxury shopping picnic with game boxes and a green indoor and outdoor lawn. The boutique's tilting shop windows that open onto Corso Italia's square. The external multimedia stations with videos and interactive games and now the opening of the new store dedicated to children. The entire area surrounding the store transforms into a pleasant entertainment venue. On the ground, a large green lawn with colorful cushions for relaxation. With Franz Kraler, shopping becomes an increasingly cultural and educational meeting moment. A space full of boxes... boxes to open, turn, and overturn, a "controlled" confusion that gives the impression of a messy room, an image so familiar when talking about kids! All this in the middle of a lawn, giving the feeling that entering Franz Kraler is like having a picnic, where perhaps you take off your shoes and look at the clothes leaning against a cash register between a candy dispenser and jars of sweets.
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