Alexander Kraler tells us about himself and tells us about the multibrand Franz Kraler.

How much can the new generations be worth today? What contribution can the younger ones give to realities already consolidated and established in the world of industry and commerce? Despite the job crisis that has been affecting our society for years, there are virtuous examples of those who, with the fresh vision that characterizes the minds of the younger ones, manage to bring their innovative contribution. Alexander Kraler is one of those who, faced with the new challenges of the present, has not shied away, but has listened to the needs of the contemporary with the aim of offering a new perspective on new technologies, the digital world, and social media. In 1986, his parents founded the now established multibrand store Franz Kraler. Today, Alexander, born in 1989, after a degree in Business Economics in Italian and a Master's in International Marketing in German, joined the management of the family business, trying to project it towards the new frontiers of the internet. We met him to ask him some questions about fashion and the perspectives facing the new generations.
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